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Kelly bars

We manufacture Kelly bars individually adapted to your top drive.

Kelly bar with drilling tools in action

Product features

  • The Kelly bars can generally be extended to 2 to 4 times their length.
  • The geometry is optimised with finite element analysis and designed for favourable forceprogression.
  • We can also make all Kelly bars as locking and friction bars to customers’ wishes.
  • We guarantee the transmission of the maximum permissible torque along the entire extended length of the Kelly bar.

Technical data

  • Torques up to 500 kNm
  • Drilling depths up to 100 m
  • Number of sections: 2 to 5.

Product advantages

  • Extendable to 2 to 4 times its length
  • Long service life
  • Wear resistance

Application areas

  • Transmission of the rotation and feed movement of the top drive of the drilling system with the EMDE Kelly bar on the drilling tool