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Drilling buckets

EMDE supplies drilling buckets for drilling below ground water level and for use in gravelly soils.

Drilling bucket

Product features

  • To achieve optimum drilling results, we manufacture drilling buckets in special designs with customised cutting edges for different geologies
  • An internal ventilation channel prevents a vacuum from forming when the drilling bucket is pulled up.
  • Replaceable drilling teeth and pilot drills increase productivity
  • Rotating base mounted in wearing bushings
  • Drill diameter up to 2,500 mm, and larger on customer request
  • Manual and automatic triggering of the folding floor
  • Rotary or hook device to lock the folding floor closed

Product advantages

  • Long service life
  • Wear resistance
  • Up to 2,500 mm drill diameter

Application areas

  • Different geologies due to individually adaptable cutting unit