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Drum coolers and sectional coolers

Drum and sectional coolers are used to cool free-flowing bulk materials. This is often required during calcination and other similar processes. Learn more about the differences between sectional and drum coolers and how they work.

Drum cooler or sectional cooler?

Drum coolers are primarily designed with air as the cooling medium; sectional coolers are always run with liquid coolants. In both cases the cooling can be done with direct or counter-current processes.

Both coolers make use of rotary drums. Those drums have an extremely large cooling surface which guarantees rapid cooling of the bulk material in continuous operation.

When are rotary drum coolers used?

Rotary drum and sectional coolers are primarily used when free-flowing bulk material needs to be cooled. This is especially helpful, when the product is handled by other devices afterwards. Not all apparatuses can handle the extreme heat as well as the sectional coolers, so the cooling process is crucial to the production. In other cases, the cooling process itself leads to the production of materials such as soda ash, or other products.

Product advantage: Rotary drum coolers

A specific advantage of rotary drum coolers is the gentle treatment of the bulk material. If you would like to know more about our cooling systems, feel free to contact us. We are happy to advise you on all manners regarding drum coolers.