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German Tool Builders’ Association (VdW) processes

Special dual-head drilling drives permit simultaneous drilling in of the auger and the piping. The advantage lies in low-noise and low-vibration work, for example directly on foundations of existing buildings.

Pre-assembled cutting bars for attaching to auger drills

Available accessory equipment

  • Erection system for drill pipes and augers
  • Mechanical or hydraulic pipe routing
  • Pressure pipe with discharge preventer

Product features

  • We supply customised auger cutting geometries for different soil formations.
  • Piping is equipped with a replaceable cutting shoe or a pre-welded cutting ring.
  • Hexagonal or octagonal auger push-fit connector
  • Pipe connector with drill pipe thread

Product advantages

  • High drilling precision due to the counter-rotating tools
  • Low-noise and low-vibration process
  • Deployment also directly on existing buildings due to compact dimensions of the rotating drives

Application examples

  • Usable for different geologies due to customised cutting edges