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Rotary dryers / calciners

Continuous drying and calcination processes are often performed in rotary appliances. Among those appliances are rotary dryers. These dryers are used to dry certain substances. Furthermore, we offer calciners that are pivotal to the production of many materials.

Find out more about these products or contact our sales team!

Loading calciner for soda production

How do rotary dryers work?

In order for rotary dryers to work as expected, special equipment is needed. For instance, special pipes, blades or crossed fixtures. This achieves a high water evaporation and material conversion rate.

Calciners for the soda production

Calciners play a large role in the production of soda ash. This material is crucial in the production of certain products and other materials such as glass. Our calciners for soda ash are top-quality products that will assist you in the soda ash production.

Energy can be applied directly via the burner, or indirectly with hot air via convection by means of built-in pipe bundles or double jackets.

The following heat media are mainly used:

  • Hot water
  • Thermal oil
  • Steam
  • Hot air
  • Electric heating

Rotary dryers and calciners by EMDE

EMDE can offer the process calculation, design, construction and production of the devices from one source. Contact us for more information or advise on what kinds of dryers or calciners your company needs. We are looking forward to hearing from you!