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Process columns and column internals

We offer process columns and column internals in a wide variety of materials for various applications in the chemical and petrochemical industries. Corrosion-proof cast columns and column internals especially for soda plants are manufactured in the adjacent foundry. All our products are specifically customized to your needs, your plant and the circumstances of your project. Specialist staff will take care of the on-site installation.

Find out more about apparatus and container construction by EMDE!

Installation of an absorption column

Manufacture for the following processes

Process columns for different processes

EMDE process columns are manufactured, among other things, for the following processes:

  • Carbonisation
  • Distillation
  • Absorption
  • Gas washing

The necessary process stages can be set up in a space-saving manner in one column thanks to our modular system. In addition, we offer complete packed columns in all common stainless steels and special materials.

Contact us and we will advise you on the solutions we offer for process columns!

Different process columns by EMDE

EMDE produces high-quality cast iron process columns. We offer solutions for different processes and requirements. Among those are the following type of columns:

Carbonization columns

Carbonization columns are cast apparatuses made of an absorption and a cooling part. They are used for the transformation of ammoniac brine into sodium hydrogen carbonate and ammonium chloride.

Distillation columns

Distillation columns are also called fraction or rectification columns. Fraction columns are further divided into, for instance, tray and film columns. Different kinds of trays are possible. Distillation columns are used for recovering ammonia out of the mother liquor (bittern).

Packed columns

Layers of packing fillers are implemented into packed columns. These process columns use a steady exchange of matter.

Absorption columns and gas scrubbers

During gas washing there is an intense contact between a stream of gas and a stream of water. This happens in absorption columns, which are used to produce ammoniac brine. Absorbers, gas scrubbers and distillation gas coolers are implemented into those columns.

Choose individually manufactured process columns and column internals by EMDE! We are looking forward to hearing from you!